Genuine Consultancy

Frustration to clarity in just one hour

Want to build an agile, digitally enabled organisation that reaches new levels of performance and value?

"Callum has an incredible business mind and sees things everyone else seems to miss. He's also a great person to talk to when you're feeling stuck, about anything."

Ansall | Founder, Creative Insights

From frustration to clarity in 60 minutes

Your customers are better informed, but more demanding than ever.Having established a successful business, you already know you need to invest in meeting their expectations and creating value to drive sustainable growth.Are you dealing with:- Increased competition or market saturation
- Changing demographics or buyer behaviour
- Complex or inefficient organisational design
- Lack of alignment
I've supported leaders like you to create agile, digitally enabled organisations that reach new levels of performance and value. Despite their ambitions, poorly framed operating models, a lack of alignment and legacy tech initially held them back.These challenges often make it complex to undestand stakeholder needs and respond to their demands.Investing an hour to work on your business is the place to start.

Human Capital

Our thoughts on strategy, attracting talent, systems and tools. Available on Substack, or delivered to your inbox.

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